Painted from nature/Victor brauner

Evangelical Facebookism

What if…

ali eteraz
I. M. H. O.
Published in
1 min readAug 22, 2013


…Facebook develops a new missionary program?

And young beardless men in Palo Alto and Mountain View approach you while you work at a cafe and after buying you a cup of coffee encourage you to recite the following mantra in order to find fulfillment and meaning:

“You are a product.” (33 times)
“You are a brand.” (33 times)
“Your worth is determined by the market.” (34 times)

And to make your counting easier they hand you a shiny counting device.

And what if you don’t believe them at first. But somewhere around the sixth round of recitation true belief enters your heart and you are ready to help Facebook take over the world.

What if that happens? Would it be so bad?



ali eteraz
I. M. H. O.

author: native believer (akashic, 2016); children of dust (harpercollins, 2009).