Ashton kutcher as steve jobs /

If Steve Jobs were here, he’d be having a fit right now

Danny Wood
I. M. H. O.
3 min readJun 25, 2013


Perhaps one of Steve Jobs’ most famous qualities was his propensity to flip out if things weren’t going his way. I don’t even think he meant a lot of the things he would scream at people, he just knew that people respected him enough to want him to see them differently, which would motivate them to change the situation and make him happy.

I think if Steve were here right now, he’d be having one of his notorious melt-downs over a number of different topics:

iOS 7 was Painfully Unfinished at Launch

One of the things that made Apple releases so special in comparison to other electronics product launches was the fact that even at the time of their initial announcement, the release that the public saw was already polished and had nothing standing in the way of its impact on the industry.

The reality is that mistakes and bugs get in the way of an otherwise fabulous product, and Jobs’ understanding of this fact and its place as part of Apple’s very-brand was unparalleled. The launch of iOS 7 felt a bit like people at Apple took a holiday from having an angry CEO getting up in their face and telling them,

The Game Center icon looks like SHIT! YOU’RE SHIT!!!

The reality is that in order to keep pushing the envelope related to design and user experience, especially with an operating system like iOS 7, they need to remember the importance of perfection, at launch.

The Jobs Movie. ‘Nuff Said.

I don’t think this one is a revelation to anyone, but Steve Jobs would be straight-pissed-off about “Jobs”. The other Steve has already stated that, from what he’s seen of the movie, it’s all wrong.

Even though I was never there in the garage like Wozniak was, I could tell right away when the trailer started playing Macklemore in the background that the movie was going to be off. I understand that Hollywood will try to cater subject matter a bit in the case of a biopic so that the general public will be able to appreciate it, but this is totally against the spirit of Jobs and his views, and would undoubtedly set him off on an unstoppable tangent.

..although I guess it would be super weird if he was having a movie made about him while he was still alive.

In Conclusion

Many authors and experts have called out Steve Jobs over the years for his at-times-unbearable style of leadership, but we should be paying attention in this case not to the medium, but to the message. If the new operating system still isn’t perfect, work up until the last second to make it so, in order to delight the community. If the movie doesn’t appeal to everyone and their dog, who cares, make it the real thing. Getting yelled at probably felt terrible, but the end result had to make it worth it.



Danny Wood
I. M. H. O.

Product Lead @Strutta. Enthusiastic about UX and Breakfast.