Photo by @Mattthor


People are tired of getting fracked

I. M. H. O.
Published in
2 min readOct 17, 2013


“That pic of First Nations fighter with his fist in the air in front of a line of burning cop cars is my idea of greatness.” — Christine Karatnytsky

Today in Rexton, Canada, the RCMP moved in on First Nation activists protesting fracking, shouting at them,

Crown lands belongs to the government, not to fucking natives!

The protesters retaliated, setting six police cars on fire.

The police retaliated, arresting 40 individuals for firearms offenses, threats, intimidation & violating a court injunction. The rest of us notice the racism and jingoism. The ongoing settler colonialism. According to @Osmich, people have reported being shot with rubber bullets. First Nations members have posted photos.

Tit for tat, escalation. Because people are tired of getting fracked. Tired of seeing their native habitat destroyed and polluted in the inexorable thirst to suck the last petroleum out of the land. While European countries are starting to institute fracking bans, America and Canada move full steam ahead with wholesale environmental destruction, regardless of the costs — social or economic.

People are tired of getting fracked. A fist raised in front of burning state vehicles or buildings used to be something we only saw in MENA, as the Arab Spring — unleashed by a Tunisian vegetable seller self immolating — spread from country to country. Of course this will be blamed on a ‘black block’ or ‘anarchists’, no credit will not be given to the voices being raised against fracking and hundreds of other issues for which the people have just had enough of.

People are tired of getting fracked. Governments need to grasp this, and institute policies restricting Oil Interests from jamming their fists into Mother Earth.

“It took an RCMP car burning to get mainstream attention to #Elsipogtog. Damage to property is breaking news. Colonial violence is not.” -@arijactually

This is not the last fist we will see raised in defiance.

UPDATE 18.10.13: First Nation members are alleging that the man pictured above is Harrison Freeson, a ‘CIA and RCMP informant’ .

UPDATE 19.10.13 This just in from a trusted source about Harrison Friesen:

He “is NOT to be trusted or let in communities; but folks up there dont think he did it.”

So the allegations of being a CIA / RCMP informant are probably overboard.

