Go Daddy…It’s Time to Go!

Go Daddy has no business designing logos

DreamWise Marketing
I. M. H. O.
Published in
4 min readDec 2, 2013


Recently I was foraging through the, anything but seamless, Go Daddy website and came across something absolutely troubling. It seems that our friends at Go Daddy not only want to provide, just above hamster on a wheel, level hosting services, but they would also, now, like to provide you with an “original” logo for your business as well. If I were to articulate all of the reasons that this is absolutely wrong, the batteries in my keyboard would probably run out, so I’ll provide 3 major ones and hopefully that will be enough to educate, illuminate and exacerbate all of you to the point that you never want to see one of their awful, let’s rely on anything but our quality of service…yes a pretty lady will do, ads. And maybe, just maybe, you’ll never ever look at their “cheap” hosting the same again either.

  1. They’re not Original like they claim – After viewing the Go Daddy logo “portfolio”. I started to notice that something looked very familiar with the style and design quality of each of their logos. So I did a little digging in my memory bank and remembered that I had used this website, www.logonerds.com, for a few clients in the past, who had little or no budget to work with. I’m not saying that Go Daddy uses them specifically but I am saying that there’s no doubt in my mind that they’re outsourcing the “original designs” to Logo Nerds or a company very similar. These companies are mostly located overseas in places like India, Pakistan and Indonesia where designers work for far less than their American counterparts. Now there’s nothing wrong with using them if that’s all you can afford, but they basically produce canned designs that vary a little but tend to resemble one another quite obviously. If you’re intrigued….read on to #2….
  2. They’re outsourcing the “original” design services and then adding an unbelievably exorbitant markup to the product – There are many low budget alternatives for simple and mildly original logo design. We’ve mentioned Logo Nerds so we’ll use them as the comparison. Go Daddy’s logo’s start at $500 and if something more is desired, they refer to that as “Deluxe”, well that’s going to cost a cool grand. Yes, that’s not a typo, Go Daddy wants to charge $1000 for what is basically filling out a form. And upon reading the fine print, it doesn’t appear that anyone would actually pay $1000, it appears you’ll end up paying more because some of the necessary parts of the design are not included in the main cost. And…they have your credit card number and great lawyers so if you signup, you’re most likely paying what they say you’re going to pay. Now let’s look at Logo Nerds, basically they charge $47 for a comparable logo to the - $500, Go Daddy version. With a little conversation back and forth, a higher end, $97 logo can be produced – incidentally, very comparable if not better than the so called “Deluxe” logo that Go Daddy provides. Is anyone angry with our friends at Go Daddy yet? Let’s continue…
  3. They’re homogenizing a process that should be a memorable, enjoyable and rewarding time for a business owner. Go Daddy has basically broke down this process to something akin to buying some contact lenses online. Now some of you may be thinking “sounds great” why is simple bad? A designer and a client need to work together to develop a polished vision of the the business as a whole and the various logo possibilities. Then the designer must use those conversations to develop custom thoughts and ideas that are tailored specifically to that client and no one else. Even small budget clients should be allowed to experience this enjoyable process on some level. Does it sound like they have any business being in the logo design business and does it sound like the above experience could be achieved by first inputting your credit card info and then filling out a tedious form and hitting submit?

Go Daddy is using their platform to entice people to sign up for a product that they have no business selling. They are a serviceable domain registrar, a barely adequate website host and those are unfortunately their best qualities. It turns out that for Go Daddy, it’s not necessarily “Go Time” but just time for them to go. Give us a call or drop us a line if you’d like to know more about the logo design process or if you’d like some assistance in leaving Go Daddy behind. 303.858.1025 or email us info@DreamWiseMarketing.com.

By Josh Thill

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