Trurl the constructor / Daniel Mróz

“Hello, World”

The last first post I will ever write (or not)

Ronen Raz
I. M. H. O.
Published in
1 min readJul 9, 2013


I’ve written many Hello, Worlds.

This is another one.

As a person who admires the process of thinking, I’m always amazed by how hard it is for me to get something written down. The impermanence of the spoken word makes it so much easier for me to express myself, but ideas only get so far by talking about them. Writing solidifies thought.

I do write — I code. Coding is much easier though as it has clear boundaries and absolute goals. If my code executes and delivers the expected results within the specified parameters, it’s good code. Doesn’t have to look good, but it works. But there are no clear boundaries with free text, no clear semantics, not even syntax errors (not to mention highlighting).

Anyway, I am straying off my point here…

I like to test new publishing platforms but I have to admit that it’s mostly due to wanting to understand how new tools can improve writing for all of us. To actually write, well… that’s just too much work!

The speaker shuts up

It is becoming so clear

The writer begins



Ronen Raz
I. M. H. O.

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