Facebook’s open graph search

How Facebook is using design to drive your interactions

Bruno Belcastro
I. M. H. O.
2 min readMay 3, 2013


I have come across an interesting article titled “How Facebook Designs the 'Perfect Empty Vessel' for Your Mind” which describes in a few words some of the stuff Facebook’s design team deal with in order to make the product more “User friendly”.

It’s come to my attention that they hired (or acquired) the most talented design team you could ever find on planet earth. If you can recognize some names on the article, I believe you’ll agree with me.

It’s paramount to Facebook to make their experience as enjoyable as posible in order for you to spend more time in their platform. Because it’s a well known fact that we’re the product on Facebook, they can’t just simply exist without us.

Design-wise, I love their approach on building and shipping things. I’m not a designer, but I enjoy design and part of my philosophy regarding it can be related to Frank Lloyd Wright “Less is more” quote.

I find the following paragraph, from the article, to be stunning:

Some of the best architecture isn't about, 'Look at this amazing beautiful building I made," Maschmeyer told me, "But look at the amazing activities that I'm allowing people to undertake within this space. And designing the space to facilitate in the best possible way those activities. I think we take the exact same approach with our 'boxes.'"

They want Facebook’s User Interface to be as frictionless as posible, so you can pour your data into it easily without hesitating at all.

I believe that if Dieter Rams would state (as he did with Apple on Product Design) which company is doing it right on web design, he’d definitely say it’s Facebook.

