How the Green Movement Can Shed its Wussy Reputation

Championing a strong figurehead…

Zach Bogoshian
I. M. H. O.


I am an optimist at heart, someone who believes humankind is, in fact, able to maintain its own best interest. I really believe it is. But I’m sure I don’t have to tell you how society’s apathy and ignorance — sloth and stupidity — often discourage that hope.

And I do not mean to come off as a holier-than-though hippie tree-hugger. While I may agree with some sentiments of that camp, I have come to be disheartened by how easily society at large looks off major environmental concerns. But I remain optimistic! If we want a social movement powered by average people taking smarter action, we need to be audacious enough, bold enough, and brave enough!

So I have a simple proposition.

Embrace Theodore Roosevelt as an emblem for the green movement.

Teddy, who represents the fortitude and determination and grit that this effort requires, whose greatness can be denied by none, who instills a sense of pride and duty and diligence in many, and whose attitude, even beyond his accomplishments, can be both a battle cry and a rallying point.

I think that we, who believe in innovation and science and smart, long-term vision, should go forth with self-respect and confidence. Without regard to accepters of a mediocre status quo, we can, as a people, lead by example and shift the general sentiment through our actions.

While conservative groups have a bastardized version of Ronald Reagan to stand behind while they deliver their messages, environmentalists and the socially conscious should have Teddy Roosevelt.

Teddy wasn’t perfect, but he was always in motion, pushing progress and falling forward. A public conservationist, TR started the National Parks System and the Forestry Bureau, he protected 230 million acres of American public land, he had counseling walkabouts with the iconic John Muir, and he sought personal refuge in the Badlands of the Dakotas, the plains of Africa, and the Amazonian jungle.

And Teddy did all this with an infectious vigor and vitality. He championed these efforts despite irresponsible industry norms and public misinformation. He had vision and the guts to back it up and fight. He drew Democrats, Republicans, and Independents to his cause. He researched and experienced like few before (or after him), and became an authority through experience. Teddy had the optimism and creativity to understand that we shouldn’t be afraid to live robustly, but we must do so with the earth, protecting its delicacy.

We should learn from him and embrace his conviction! I want to fight like him for this glorious earth! Teddy Roosevelt is my green champion.

Will he be yours?

