I Can Scientifically Define And Measure Symbolic Value

Science of the mind

Theory of Thought
I. M. H. O.
Published in
7 min readSep 29, 2013


I would like to introduce you to my framework for understanding how the world works. In short, it’s a theory about the invisible relationships that exist within our minds, called thoughts, and their power in transforming the material arrangement of everything around us.

I’ve come to realize that all material objects and the events that take place between them are manifested entirely from symbolic forms. I’ve also realized that the laws of physics are reflective of hidden symbols within the universe, and that the inner-workings of the mind are designed to interact across their abstract, symbolic planes.

I believe there is a way to unite the physical world around us and the mental world within our heads, into a single entity that can be expressed mathematically as ‘universe = matter + mind’.

In thought theory, the universe is described as a dualistic hyper-dimensional space. It has physical dimensions and abstract dimensions that intersect one another within time.

Within the intersections, are hyper-dimensional objects called symbols.

Network model: Intersection of abstract and physical spaces

The common definition of a symbol is the following:

  1. A thing that represents or stands for something else, esp. a material object representing something abstract
  2. A mark or character used as a conventional representation of an object, function, or process, e.g., the letter or letters standing for a chemical element or a character in musical notation
  3. A shape or sign used to represent something such as an organization, e.g., a red cross or a Star of David
Union model: Intersection of abstract and physical spaces

In my theory, that I call Thought Theory, I expand on the notion of a symbol:

  1. It’s a real structure of value that exists across a hyper-dimensional space. e.g. an object with a type of length that can be measured mathematically.
  2. Its mathematical value within mindspace is discovered by using 5 types of models: system diagrams, venn diagrams, network diagrams, hierarchical diagrams, and mechanical diagrams. These basic models reveal the abstract dimensions of a symbol.
5 relationship models that define symbols

From a physical space perspective, one does not see a symbol; symbols are experienced (by the living). For example, a written name such as Google is meaningless to the non-living. The living mind connects to thoughts, ideas, minds, and matter across invisible pathways (vector planes) in a hyperspace.

From the perspective of the entire hyper-dimensional space, called mindspace, every arrangement of matter is a symbol that exists across both physical and abstract dimensions simultaneously. Each arrangement is a set of patterns (of models) that relate it with other objects and minds.

The 5 relationship models form symbols within mindspace and they provide the only real means to decode its configuration.

5 basic building blocks of any relationship

Does symbolic value really exist in time and space or is it just fictitious and imaginary?

Network model of SpaceTime

Many people rationalize that symbolic forms of value only exist within a brain and are independent from physical reality.

However in thought theory, the relationships between the localized, abstract values in our minds and the arrangements of matter around us are represented as mathematical vectors.

If you do believe that both mind and matter are connected, have you ever considered its mathematical proof? How does one go about proving that matter moves because abstract symbols are moving across our minds? How can we precisely predict physical motion by measuring the abstract symbols that operate in mindspace?

I believe that our misunderstanding of information (ie. its mathematics) is the fundamental source for most of our societal problems. That’s why I wrote this theory — to explain information, symbols, and the abstract space that motivates all minds and bodies on Earth.

Technically, we have been able to ignore it; and because of the ignorance, a great deal of complexity has been unleashed into the world (especially because of modern technology).

People are doing things while mostly blind to their causes! And it’s because they are being controlled by abstract symbols that can unconsciously manipulate anyone.

Since information works across hyper-dimensional pathways, if its distributed incorrectly between minds, it will always lead to unintended sequences of events.

Network model representation of complexity

We’re missing the mathematical vision to reveal the hyper-dimensional pathways that interfere with our ability to make decisions.

And by the way, everyone is affected, even the rich and powerful.

Our blindness to it has made the world more difficult to navigate and even more difficult to logically re-organize.

It is crucial, that within this age of information, we develop a theory that explains what information really is, where it exists within the universe, and how our brains and minds process it.

Symbols, as sets of relationship models, are the basic construct of information.

For example, a word is symbolic, and each of its letters are also symbolic. Words combine into sentences revealing even greater symbols. Symbols always combine together to form increasingly large stacks of information that must be represented with relationship models.

Pascal’s triangle is a symbol of hierarchy

The brain is a device that creates and organizes symbols for the mind in mindspace. It is an arrangement of mechanical sensors which assemble and transmit symbols. All forms of life exist to manipulate symbols, not because symbols are a construct of life, but because they are a construct of the Universe (and interwoven with time and space).

All forms of life tap into this hidden region of the Universe to draw energy and motivation from symbols. The full extent on how symbols rule the world around us will require a re-examination of just about everything.

A structured science of symbols will lead us into a new era of humanity!


Thought theory is basically a modern formulation of an ancient theory. It exists because people have been working on it for thousands of years.

Plato was an ancient Greek philosopher who lived between 429 BC and 347 BC. Along with his mentor Socrates, they postulated a unique world-view called the Theory of Forms.

According to their Theory of Forms, our physical world is but a shadow of even greater shapes, called Universals, that reside in a hidden world of ideal forms. They hypothesized that distinct, yet immaterial substances inhabiting the World of Forms are responsible for reflecting our physical environment, called the World of Substance. According to their world-view, our world is essentially an illusion of a hidden world [of Forms].

Representation of the Theory of Forms

In the 17th century, a philosopher named René Descartes brought their arguments further with his theory on Dualism. Descartes claimed that the mind and brain were different entities inhabiting different realms in the universe. He stated that ‘the mind is distinct from the body and its substance is the essence of thought‘.

In thought theory, the difference between brain and mind is simply explained: a brain is a closed system of relationships that exist as a cluster of neurons (in the physical space); while a mind is an open system of relationships that exists between symbols (within the abstract space). A brain can die, while a mind cannot, and the function of the universe is to maintain a special mechanism of manifestation between everlasting minds and living bodies (ie. mind-matter problem or theory of mind).

Mind-matter connection across mindspace

Thought Theory expands on dualism and describes a modular framework that ties the abstract space to the physical space. Using the thought theory framework, it can be derived how hidden models guide the displacement of matter through a fundamental mechanism that equilibrates organizations of mind and matter within the Universe.

Basically speaking, the structure of the physical world (past, present, and future), can be modelled from the interaction of some hidden models. Minds navigate the hidden models, according to specific rules that resemble the laws of physics; they release thought while navigating; and bodies of matter in space move in reaction. Incredibly enough, I can show how symbols in mindspace can be calculated by mathematical equations resting within sacred geometry, and how the grey matter of the brain is powered by these same very basic geometric constructs.

The mind-matter mechanism of thought theory

Think of it this way: A brain is a device that works to power a mind within a hyper-dimensional space. Thought is released as a bi-product of the mind’s work, like exhaust from an engine, and the exhaust (thought) is descriptive of what the mind accomplished. Finally, the body moves in response to the mind’s new configuration in mindspace.

So the question still remains: how can we measure thought in order to derive the shape, position, and motion of symbols within mindspace?

And perhaps more importantly, what are the (meta)physics governing symbolic value and how are its rules related to those found governing physical matter?

Unified field theory re-imagined as a network model

Well unfortunately, the answers to these questions are too numerous to reveal in this single post!

However, more info can be found in my book, Theory of Thought, and on my blog, www.theory-of-thought.com/blog.

I will keep posting on Medium regularly, with incremental expansions, so I welcome you to follow along, and discover the Theory of Thought!



Theory of Thought
I. M. H. O.

Exploring the metaphysics of hyper-dimensional structures.