Christian Schmidt 2013 

In Pursuit of Flow…

We all just need our next fix.

M Schmidt Moore
I. M. H. O.
Published in
2 min readSep 12, 2013


Flow is the experience of being immersed in an activity that takes all of your concentration and produces a feeling of contentedness. At least that is how it works for me. I’m always on the hunt for the feeling of flow, and I’m not alone. Flow for me is…

~running on a cool day…the moment at the beginning of the run when I feel like I could run all day…briefly forgetting the unavoidable feeling of fatigue, the downer that always comes about 3/4 of the way to the end;

~capturing time in my camera—of my life or someone else’s;

~engaging in a conversation about reading or writing or teaching and a kernal of an idea blossoms into something so much more;

~creating something useful—something new, a pair of soft pjs, an everyday purse, dinner;


We all have moments that can be defined as flow, and we recognize the rush of being in flow. The problem is that the feeling is fleeting. Just when you realize that you have experienced a moment of flow, you have exited it. Flow brings a wash of contentedness that lasts only a little while. It’s a little like a drug that produces an extended high, and all-natural way to satisfaction. So we spend our lives curating flow, finding and nurturing our passions. We are all addicts of a sort. We are all in pursuit of Flow…we all just need our next fix.

