subway platform in TOKYO, JAPAN

Instead of a Great Idea, find a Great Problem

Getting started with your startup

Dan Storms
I. M. H. O.
Published in
1 min readAug 20, 2013


I had coffee this weekend with a friend of mine and she wanted to bounce a “startup idea” off me. When we met up, I braced for the next “great” iPhone app that would never take off.

Instead, she presented me with a great problem. She had a unique insight into that problem (since it was one she had herself).

As a result, she wasn’t married to any particular solution (that’s all an “idea” really is). So we dug in and found a small way to solve the problem for a niche group.

A blog or a Facebook group is often the best way to start because you can build a community around your problem. So when you do launch that amazing app, you have already built up an audience of people who will consider your solution.

You’ll also build credibility in that community. Maybe even turn your blog into a book so that you can say you’re a published author in this field (which is a signal of authority, for better or worse).

Want to get started? Demonstrate your passion for a great problem and inspire those who share your pain!

