Internet Comments and Behaviour.

Do you think before you press SEND?

I. M. H. O.
3 min readNov 28, 2013


You do have to love the internet. It’s a place you can explore with total anonymity. A place where you can air your views without fear of reprisal. A place where you can have a discussion or intellectual debate with others who may, or may not share your interests, have a witty banter if you like; and talk about your opinions and ideologies even if they differ, without having to resort to childish or impetuous insults used to demean another because they do not share your views. Right?

As a very opinionated person, I am sure you like to get your views out there to be heard or seen. And the easiest and quickest way to do that most of the time, is on the internet.

However; being opinionated does not mean your views are any less or any more relevant than anyone else’s. If you write a review or any kind of article, I assume you are doing it for a reason. And that reason; if like me, is because you want your story to be told, your voice to be heard and you want it out there for everyone to acknowledge that these are your thoughts, recognize them, trust them or not. So I say be prepared for, and welcome the judgement and the critique that will come.

But don’t bring yourself down to the level of a child where you have to resort to insulting an author because you do not like his work or do not agree with what they have said. Considering the way I write, I may at times reference the author of a piece of work which pokes fun at what they have produced. But I do not go so far as to blatantly insult the author. (Or at least I do not believe I do).

If you do not know the author personally and have some kind of relationship with them, I say you really have no right to do so. Do not presume to know the author or his/her background, their education or their livelihood. Insult the work, yes, if that is your style. But not the author.

And if you are going to diminish the work of someone else, then please ensure that you have somewhat of a valid point to make that argument. Not just, “You have no idea what you are talking about.” or “Your comprehension skills are weak.” There are much worse insults out there I have read on the internet on major websites and otherwise, but why? Have you any valid points to debate like an intellectual human being? What exactly do you not agree with? Can you imagine if the whole world thought this way? Our doctors, lawyers, judges. Passing judgement without any thought process just because they “disagree.”

It is understandable that in a blog, article, or review etc. you may alienate fans of a certain authors’ literary work and they may not agree with what you have to say.

But to those people who are offended, I say before you make a comment, at least contemplate for a few minutes about what you are going to say and why, collate that information so as to be sure you have some valid and coherent points in order to formulate a sensible rebuttal.

Think before you press that send button.

