City of Tehran 


It is a country, it has humans, they are just like you 

Mehdi Saharkhiz
I. M. H. O.
Published in
3 min readAug 10, 2013


I am an Iranian, at the same time I am an American, in Iran that is a crime, in the USA I can be both. But it does not matter what I am and where I came from or what my nationality is, I am human, just like you and just like the people of my birthplace.

They get up and go to work, they get up eat breakfast, they might have tea mostly instead of coffee but breakfast is breakfast, they laugh at jokes, they drive cars, Yes there are cars in Iran, all kinds some that I have not even seen in the streets of NYC. Many can speak english on top of their mother tongue. they live in apartments and houses, that look the same or better then we have here.

What makes us diffrent is not how we eat, smile, or go to work, it is our governments. Government of both Iran and USA, they try to make monsters of each country,one says down to the USA and burns the flag, the other says, all options are on the table, will attack if we have to. One likes to force all the hardship to its people instead of asking for a helping hand. The other puts sanctions so that what little, the people have are is harder to get. Here is where humans are never considered, it is a war of governments, where people struggle to live and have to fight for breathing.

Can you imagine being a developer and no hosting site accepts your hostings, Can you imagine the need to pay for a software or anything online and even paypal blocks you.when a car that is 20K here you have to buy for almost 3 times the price, and the Iranin currrency is loosing its value each day because of sanctions, so you have less money to spend each day.

These are just simple things to imagine. but then it gets harder, then the knife hits the bone. When your airplane is not maintained right because there is no parts and it might crash with each takeoff, you have to get on a half working plane to get to your destination, when someone you love dearly is spending its last days in the hospital because they can’t get the medicine they need to get cured.

Are we really better then those who live in Iran? Aren't we all created equal? What is equal about people when where they live can make a diffrence in whethere they live or die…

Why can we just live with love .. At the end of the day we are all humans..

Man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love.

Martin Luther King, Jr.



Mehdi Saharkhiz
I. M. H. O.

Talks about #iranelection in english so this side of the workd knows what is going on. Left Iran so accepts the choices of those in #Iran @onlymehdi