Jobs Movie Poster

Jobs, The Film

Why lovers gonna love and haters gonna hate

Filipe Castro Matos
I. M. H. O.
Published in
3 min readAug 22, 2013


Well, this is my first ever post on Medium. In fact, this is my first attempt to write something that I can call a ‘blog post’. I never thought it would be about a movie but, at this exact moment, that never made so much sense for me.

I saw tonight the first movie on cinema dedicated to one of the most remarkable people of 20th century: Steve Jobs. There are no doubts about it, either you love him or hate him. Some quick notes about the movie: Ashton Kutcher surprised me because I never liked him and his bullshit movies but here he wasn’t so bad as some people predicted; condense somebody’s life in 2 hours is a difficult task, condense Jobs’ life in that time without leaving out some pieces of it (even important ones) is almost a miracle (that didn’t happen); I think there are a few details that can build a wronger (and better) impression about Jobs which doesn’t match the reality; the movie is too focused on the beginning of Apple and in the 70's and 80's and I would like to see more about his time on NeXT and his second life on Apple (it was at least peculiar to see no references to the iPhone, iPad, iTunes, etc. and only 5 minutes about the iPod); I think this is clearly a movie made for the masses, Hollywood-style, it isn’t a rigorous documentary — like everything in life, some gonna love it, others gonna hate it. I loved it. And now I’m eagerly waiting for new movies about him, mainly the so-called movie based on his biography. Later I’m gonna compare them and probably prefer one of them. But one thing I’m sure: I’m gonna love them all. Because this isn’t about movies. It’s about one of the persons that truly inspires me in life.

Please do me a favor: if you want to watch this movie, do it asap; if you don’t want, it’s ok but don’t convince other people that the next movie will be the one and let them go.

Jobs left a few lessons to the world. We all know the “Think Different” but what I most appreciate in Jobs is that he really didn’t care about the others. I don’t agree with some situations in his life when he had this exact behavior but I also think that it was one of the main reasons for his success. Because when you care too much about the others and about what society thinks about you when you’re trying to create something innovative, to risk or just to follow a different path, you’ll not succeed because you’ll never have support and permission to go on and make it happen. For any reason the message in Apple’s “Think Different” commercial begins with “Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. (…)”.

This is something I’m trying to follow nowadays - not to be stuck by what others think or would think. Regret about decisions influenced solely by what others think is one of the worst things ever. And so, because of that I really don’t care if this post is gonna be a hit, I don’t care if there will be people criticizing it only for pleasure and I don’t even care if this is written in perfect English. I’m writing this post just to show my humble opinion, to have a good and profitable conversation and always to learn and improve myself more and more. And I fell very good acting this way.

P.S.: I hope to write again soon, I’m loving the user experience on Medium! | Medium | Twitter



Filipe Castro Matos
I. M. H. O.

Writing about entrepreneurship, startups, marketing and one or two things about life.