Just Write

Ashur Lazar
I. M. H. O.
Published in
2 min readApr 28, 2013

I want to write but I don't know what to write about. No that's not true, what I'm unsure of is my voice. Will what I write matter? Will it be unique? Will anyone read it? That's usually what stops me from writing. It's the excuse I make, the reason I give to myself not to write. I find myself reassured that I don't have to write, that there is a perfectly logical reason not to. The next mental exercise I make is to state that I'll start writing once I find something true, unique and readable to write about, it never seems to arrive to my relief.

Not writing is a funny and strange pastime. Sometimes I find myself jotting down one liners on my phone. Things like 'Choice is an illusion' or 'sci-fi novel on the inner mind and the battle for it'. Once the one line is in I feel relieved as if I've accomplished something. I never get back to those notes, I never expand on them. It's the trick I play to feel better about myself.

Its been said before but here it is again. If you want to write then you should write. The more you write the more you write. It's like anything else, if you exercise the skill then it becomes easier to do. Write anything, it doesn't matter if it's poor or doesn't make sense. Thinking that you need to do more research or come up with some inspirational idea or brilliant plot is just an excuse, obstacles to stop you from doing the thing you're setting out to do. Write. Go on, go do it now. No more excuses. Also stop looking at the word count.

