Knowledge Deconstructed

Why the world has been so chaotic and why it could not be so

Marcel Romero
I. M. H. O.
Published in
4 min readJun 4, 2013


Aggression. That’s the word that sums up most of the world events since the mankind founded itself as the most important happening since the Big Bang.

People seem aggressive against each other, against the planet, against the Government, and the other way around is also true. Every person alive feels that he or she has to leave it’s own scratch on the surface of the planet, because we have been raised to believe that we are just like everybody, just a little bit better somehow.

We grow up believing that some day we will break the mold and overcome all that we have always been and shine to the world, like in a fairy tail, or a RomCom or a religious prayer.

Well, then if we do believe that we’re better, that it’s all planned and that somehow we will morph into something awesome, then when we see stuff going against the agenda, we simply panic. We know that we don’t have much time left and that this movie needs a star urgently.

That’s how we start getting aggressive. That’s how we stop going with the flow and dancing along with the music to start screaming our own tunes over the already loud music of the universe. This is how we become ridiculously humans.

The ugly truth is that we have been guided by fear. We fear everything from loneliness, oblivion, ageing, dumbness, etc, to hell.

This thing here has been guiding human actions for too long now.

Once someone very wise said “if you are not reacting to something for saving your life sake, don’t let fear misguide you”.

As human beings we have a hard time accepting that the world is made of change, that’s what the whole “time/space” is all about. It’s pure and simply change, constantly, since forever, until forever.

We are emotional beings that need to explain things through logic. A heart is what we ARE and a brain is what we NEED. Same brain that made the hairless-slow-runners-bad-swimmers-lousy-tree-climbers-with-no-form-of-venom-or-sting-or-horn survive in the rock age.

Physiologically we are comparable to any terrestrial mammal. Similar to the pigs, apes and dolphins we are very emotional. That is how we feel the world. That’s how we acknowledge events surrounding us. If you can remember your early childhood, you could already comprehend many things just by your feelings, when your brain was not as much in the way.

The thing about the brain is that we need to justify the world. We have an uncontrollable urge to make sense, to explain ourselves, to label, to seem smart, to improve. That’s the brain part.

We are feeling-based animals that think, not thinking-based animals that feel.

The logic itself is totally manipulable. Ask some lawyer or politician. Logically we can twist things around as much as we want. It’s totally flexible.

If you choose to jog, it’s good for your heart. If you choose to not jog, it’s good for your joints. Arguments and excuses will never lack.

If you try to argument against drugs with an intelligent narcotic he will probably, and most likely, pull out some very reasonable sounding arguments. That doesn't mean he’s right, it just means he has a logically acceptable excuse. It means that he will do whatever the *bleeping* he wants because he can dress his actions with pretty ideas and wear them.

The same goes for Vegan X Meat Eaters arguments, or Religious X Atheists arguments. It’s always about being right and outsmarting each other, disregarding the logic behind it. Nobody really cares about improving the human experience, that’s just “ridiculous”!

So if I could give you a piece of advise that could make you feel good about the Universe is:

  1. Tell your heart you’re an everlasting little grain of sand in a galactic beach on an universe made of change and you should enjoy the ride;
  2. Tell your brain you’re on a time-limited adventure called life and there’s not time enough to figure out everything and jeopardize all the fun.

Thanks for reading and enjoy your ride. Let’s heal this world, starting with people.

I dedicate this article to the memory of Mr. Albert Einstein, not just one of the greatest minds of our age but one of the greatest hearts as well.



Marcel Romero
I. M. H. O.

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