I Iz artist!

Paint me something … for free?

Olli Westphal
I. M. H. O.
2 min readAug 15, 2013


So, as I described in my blog, I’m an artist/designer. And when doing my profession, I’m obligated to show some of my work to an audience to hear the usual „Oh, wow! That’s neat!“ or „This is so beautiful!“ or „You have the painting skills of a trained elephant“. It makes me happy that some appreciate my work and others can loathe upon. When a person asks me if I can do a painting or illustration for him, that fills my heart with even more delight. However, these feelings parish immediately when he or she adds the two forbidden words, that every artist/designer/illustrator despises. The dreaded words that no one should ever speak out towards someone who uses his artistic skills for a living: “For free?”

I look at them with a deadpan face, my left eye slightly twitches with irritation. A feeling of anxiety, pain and suffering runs across my soul trying to tear me into bits of pieces. I quickly regain my cool, smile and happily say „Absolutely! Oh, by the way: You’re a cook, right? I was hoping you could make me a three course meal. Japanese style. For free? Oh, aren’t you a salesman at an Apple store? Can you get me the newest iPhone? For free? Say, you’re a lawyer? I „accidentally“ killed someone and I was hoping you could bail me out? For free?“

I have a simple answer to such requests:

No. Absolutely not.

Many artists have studied this profession and have gone through various techniques and hardships so that they wouldn’t have to provide their services for free. Out of the simple reason that they have to pay their bills, apartment, food and the occasional fun that won’t drive us to suicide. They don’t have to provide their services for a minimum wage or even nothing. It requires years and years of craftsmanship and even after completing your studies, it still needs to be perfected. It’s a form that needs adaption so it can compete to the current demands or trends just like any other profession.

Since when did this type of profession become a form of work that is being taken granted for these days? You also don’t expect your work to be done for free.

Next time when you ask an artist/designer/illustrator for help, by all means, ask him first what he wants and then ask for his services. And if you want something done for free, do it yourself or ask your 5 year old niece who is willing to do your work for a hug. That way everyone is happy and the world is a for a micro second a little bit better.



Olli Westphal
I. M. H. O.
Writer for

Artist, designer, illustrator and dude for all reasons. www.the-west-world.com