Pawns and Kings are made the same way.

Unicorns aren’t greedy, if they have sweets, you know you’re getting one.

Chris Evans
I. M. H. O.
3 min readDec 10, 2013


You can take a horse to water, you can even shove a funnel down its neck, but it will still kick you.

That’s what happens when you take an animal and try to get it to do something it doesn’t want to do.

How do you make a horse drink? Simple, don’t give it any water. If you keep the horse in a field without water, the horse will drink at every given opportunity.

Take something away, limit access to a resource or commodity, and the desire to use it/have it increases, not an amazing deduction by any account.

The love of money is the route of all greed. Gone beyond evil, or rather bypassed it, and moved on to fixing some mass hysterical desire to accumulate tokens of wealth and social value.

Burying salted meat that will never be eaten, something like that. The reason growth in an economy is important, is because a population grows and everybody wants to get paid, or get their benefits. So more money is needed to go around, it will always cause inflation, but the balance could be kept at sensible rate of growth, matching that of the population. Instead growth is pushed by greed and a small numbers of individuals, holding a large amount of wealth and by that increase inflation beyond growth, creating an economy that is unbalanced and top heavy.

Greed is caused by a part of human nature that is called survival. The fittest got more stuff than the less so, the ancestor that took more than their share evolved, and we are here because of it. The greater the demand, the more likely the fight to take and keep. There are two types of species, those that collect a resource and usually store it, and those that steal the resource or eat the one collecting it, oh, and vegans. Humans should fulfil the first one, but we also find it preferable to do the second whenever possible. Shortest distance, that is what evolution does, in fact it will try and jump if it can. So our nature is take more than we need.

The reason greed is part of evolution is simply that resources fluctuate over time, and those that can get through the lean times survive. We are the product of countless generations of greedy things, so our DNA has greed written into its code from the start.

So it is truly pointless moaning about greedy politicians, footballers wages and the cost of people actually being greedy. It’s like telling a dog not to wag its tail. The few human beings that can say they have no desires or want for material things in life are a rare breed, and that isn’t going to happen on a mass scale anytime soon, if ever, it isn’t human nature to be without desire, and bollocks to anyone who says it is. We desire stuff, things, each other, love, hate, win, lose, more and more, it is animal nature. Perhaps a wild animal has no thought, conscience, just instinct, well instinct is greedy, instinct will make something leap up the ladder higher than the others and make its way despite them.

I try to get to the root of what it is I am rambling about, the very essence if I can, for that is where, I believe the solution lies, or at least, where it should be applied, for anywhere else is a waste of time, and the problem here is so intwined in human nature, the solution is going to have to rely on a leap in evolution, rather than faith, faith is greedy, you think about that, but another step in the evolution of this planet, and if we’re there to see it, it would be a fucking miracle.

