Rights, what's left of them, and what's wrong with them.

(previous rants)

Chris Evans
I. M. H. O.
3 min readDec 2, 2013


If a person gets arrested in this country, they have the right to anonymity until charged. It doesn't matter if they are guilty or not, or whether the press think they are, they have a right. If you where wrongly accused for something, would you be happy for all and sundry to know who you where? Your Facebook account to be aired on ITN? Every worst thing you ever did put under a microscope and be judged before you are even charged?

People think they have so many rights yet want to take away those of others because they feel it's in everyone's best interests.

How is it unfair? So a person commits a crime against another, sexual, they did it for sure, but nothing happens for years then j'accuse, the cat is out of the bag, and we demand we know their name. The wheel is now in motion, the boulder growing with sensational speed, and another is accused, an innocent person, we don't know that, we have been told that they pretty much did it, we want their name.

You cannot demand respect, you command it, you learn it and then earn it, you don't have the right to be respected unless you show it to EVERYBODY else who deserves it and to make that judgement in consideration and your own ideals.

People hate their neighbours, neighbours hate the people the other side of town, towns hate the other cities, counties hate the shires, north hates south, principality hates country, countries bomb each other, god forbid we do find another planet with life on it, because we are going to start hating on it.

A strutting cocksure right entitled swarm of average wannabes, engorging itself on a commercial lifestyle of little substance and complete lack of depth or development, that is the creation of modern democracy. You vote for someone you have never met, to be sure they will do something you don't like, to vote for them again. I don't vote, it doesn't make me smart or such nor is it a protest or some idealist thinking I have, I don't vote simply because I have never heard anyone who I can vote for, who I would want to. I have thought about it for at least five general elections now, and not in any one of them has a person stood who I would want to have run me a bath, not least the country.

They do not actually run the country, rather try to steer a mad bull through a china shop. They cannot run this country, they don't, they simply adjust the sails, trim the cloth and try to plug the leaks, no-one runs this planet, that's paranoia, there are nearly 7 billion idiots running around it, how the hell can anyone run that? It is a boulder in space rolling along, that can merely be coxed onto its path. A few thousand, possibly more may well control the wealth, but the real power lies in the engine, not the driver, a we are the engine, we are the horses, we are the (fucking) unicorns, so stop, look and for fucks sake listen. Realise you are an atomic bomb of being, a link in an unbreakable chain of humanity, you have the right to be what is right, no more, no less, and that is the battery, the cells of power that group into a machine, an unstoppable force, an immovable object. That is what changes the world, a spark that ignites a fire, a drop that becomes an ocean, a speck that becomes a universe.

You cannot change tomorrow, tomorrow, you have to do it today.

