Science fiction or the future

Infinite dimensions

Mustapha Ben Chaaben
I. M. H. O.
Published in
2 min readJun 5, 2013


Science fiction, it’s a genre that I discovered at a young age through TV series and movies. I remember the feeling I had watching my first ever Sci-Fi Series. Seeing the impossible, the exciting and the weird ideas that were used, just opened up my mind. A feeling that boosted my imagination to a whole new level.

Fiction will it ever be or soon to become reality it can be, it’s a brief look on the possibilites that we, human beings, have in this univers. Time travel, parallel universes, artificial intelligence that quite mimics the human intelligence, other worlds, other ways of doing things and much more. Possibilities are infinite.

Sci-Fi usually doesn’t follow the established rules of nature and exploits current theories in incorrect ways in order to get a bigger audience. But, the main goal isn’t to make a breakthrough discovery as much as to inspire the future generations to make one.

Modern science fiction is the only form of literature that consistently considers the nature of the changes that face us, the possible consequences, and the possible solutions.
Isaac Asimov

So why Sci-Fi? Because it inspires us to strive for an exciting future. A future we glimpsed by irrational yet superb ideas. A future we have a chance to see become reality in our lifetime. A future that might stay as boring as the present has become, but, a future that we influence nonetheless.

Imagine, dream and then take action. That future, we all dream of, might be an action away from becoming reality. Science fiction.



Mustapha Ben Chaaben
I. M. H. O.

Engineering, design, entrepreneurship and startups. One day the world will change…