Sell Like a Fine Wine

Bring me a real salesperson

Business Bulldog
I. M. H. O.
Published in
2 min readSep 2, 2013


I am forever tired of the sad state of retail these days. When was it that the salesman left the building and was replaced by Droopy Dog and Vapid Girl? Just once, I want to go into a retail business that actually has someone who understands selling and to be sold something.

OK, so you think you have a place where you go where they sell you stuff. You are probably wrong and if you aren’t then invite me to visit. To be clear, selling is an art form. No, asking isn’t selling. Telling isn’t selling. Getting pissed off when I am not interested in whatever you are trying to tell me is definitely not selling.

Selling is the art of connections. Simple? Nope.

Selling is like a fine wine. You take your time opening it. You cut past the top layer and reveal something that is in the way. Real salesmen and saleswomen let you know they can handle the problem and promise to reveal something flavorful.

Image courtesy of Boykung /

There are levels in the sales process. Yes, there is a process. You can’t just tell someone to buy. They won’t or they won’t buy it again. Uncork the bottle and you have to let things breathe. Taking your time with the sale give you that much more depth of spirit. Sales is a journey. Be careful and deliberate.

Pour a little. Tease me with the thought that I can have more.

Be resourceful and give me the knowledge of what I am about to own. I want to be able to repeat what you tell me. I want to remember verbatim what you say. Let me get just a little bit and I will ask for more.

Fill my glass when I agree. There is a time to know when the sale is to be finished. Be ready to give me more.

I miss the process, the design, and the satisfaction. Where has it gone? I don’t see it anymore. I miss real salespeople. They shaped the retail world. Where are they now?



Business Bulldog
I. M. H. O.

CEO, Franchise Consultant, Guest Lecturer, Blogger, Writer, Husband, Dad, Scout Leader, Friend, and Tired!