Social Business Innovation

Time is now.

Chad McCaffrey
I. M. H. O.
Published in
2 min readNov 16, 2013


The term “Social Business” has a big meaning in today’s modern corporate environment. Organizations are now being forced to transform not only their business models, but their org charts and the ways they operate and go-to market.

Employee day to day activities are changing faster than ever. New technology platforms, apps, and tools for tracking, saving, sharing, documenting and amplifying content are systematically changing the way Marketing and Sales departments drive revenue and do business.

With the explosion of social platforms like Twitter,LinkedIn, Slide-share, and Quora — social business capabilities continue to expand- driving a major need for continuous business innovation and strategy.

But how it this done? How can companies possibly keep up with the constant change?

Trying to operationalize these new activities is a major chore for a business at any size — especially the enterprise level.

In my opinion the first step to Innovation in the Social Business is to de-centralize corporate social media activities. Social Business strategy has to be a major focus for the executive team— breaking down current internal communication silos, ridding the centralized and closed off approach to Social Media.

All employees(not the just the community manager or team) have to be trained and enabled in social to interact, engage, and strategically amplify content for their teams and organizations as a whole.

I continue to see many companies afraid to open up these vibrant marketing channels to their employees because they are worried of the risk. The business world has become extremely transparent and authentic due to social media,and its power can no longer be avoided. Businesses must embrace the social voice of its employees and ambassadors— to meet new business objectives in this environment.

Social and Content Marketing teams must be built to drive not only new top of funnel activity and leads from all corporate digital assets— but also provide interesting and relevant content for colleagues and key influencers to share. This opens up an entirely new marketing channel—which has a major impact on culture, internal innovation, pipeline growth and bottom line results.

At PostBeyond we are working hard to help our partners make this a reality.

Here’s to the Future of Social Business.



Chad McCaffrey
I. M. H. O.

Building @HunterandCraft. Former Pro Athlete. @DalTigers Alum. #SaaS #Startups #VC #Sports OHL & Memorial Cup Champion