By Jack Gruber, USA TODAY

Tea Party Terrorism

I. M. H. O.
2 min readOct 16, 2013


The Teabaggers called it. They were way ahead of the curve. on this one. Terrorist have in fact been elected into office. Of course, the terrorist I’m referring to are the Tea Party congressmen themselves, becuase I don’t know what else to call someone who uses the threat of disorder and a government shutdown for personal and political gain.

If any other group or person threatened to shutdown the government for in exchange for what would essentially be repeal of US law on the books would be correctly labelled as a terrorist. A government shutdown is obviously not in America’s interest and the threat of it is an act of treason. I would like to say that I’m say that I’m surprised that the “patriots” of the Tea Party would be so hypocritical, but horrible actions often come cloaked in twisted idealism. There is a proper political process for repealing laws, but the tea party is trying to exploit a loophole to blackmail the government and the administration. The already shady loophole of pork has been further perverted by pinning a list of demands to funding essential government functions.

This kind of rhetoric should not be tolerated. I am for a healthy debate over the issues, but to use the well being of this country as leverage is utterly reprehensible. I’m an analogy person so let’s put this in an analogy; imagine if you were having a civil debate with a spouse and when the other person was losing they suddenly grabbed your child and threatened to drop the baby if you didn’t agree with them immediately. Yeah, let that sink in for a second.

As it stands, it seems that America lives to fight amongst ourselves another day. Hopefully we are not averting a crisis rather than postponing it, but that seems like the same kind of wishful thinking that led me to think that a shutdown would never happen in the first place. We all want what is best for this country and the world, either side may have differnt ideas of how to accomplish it, but we have a common goal. There is no need to treat people with differing political opinions as enemy combatants. I would like our citizens and politicians to stop this madness and return to civil debate, but I don’t know if we even know what that looks like anymore.



I. M. H. O.
Writer for

Trying to make sense of the world through humor and logic. Baltimore/DC