Photo by llanes weddings

Ten Things I Love About Men

Michelle Haimoff
I. M. H. O.
1 min readNov 29, 2012


I love that the natural state of their faces is furry.

I love that their chests are like pillows.

I love their affinity for quotes, whether it’s song lyrics or something a politician once said. And I love when they write out a quote carefully on a piece of paper and hang it somewhere they can always see it.

I love that they’re fearless about whatever their thing is – skiing, scuba diving, video games – even if they’re not fearless by nature.

I love when they wear their special occasion dress shirt and proudly look at themselves in the mirror 17 times.

I love that they don’t really care about how clean things are, and that they’d probably eat off the floor if other people weren’t around to judge them.

I love the way they leave piles of coins all over the place because they have nowhere else to put them.

I love the way they smell right after a shower.

I love their terrible chicken scratch handwriting, especially on birthday and Valentine’s Day cards.

I love how they try to play off compliments, but it totally secretly makes their week.



Michelle Haimoff
I. M. H. O.

Author of THESE DAYS ARE OURS (Grand Central Publishing 2012). My best material is in the book.