The ACTUAL Difference Between Women Who Are Hot And Who Are Beautiful

A Man’s Perspective

Khaled Mansour
I. M. H. O.


Original Article by Lauren Martin (LIFE)

I’m conflicted with this article.

Although I agree that BOYS look for a hot “piece of tail”, I think it’s time we cut the bullsh!t and stop playing the blame game.

Society holds ALL genders to a stereotype and mold that over time has become a standard. We all know the consistent argument of gender roles in and out of the home. Women are expected to be petite, well-groomed and sweet. Men are expected to be well-chiseled, mentally and physically strong etc.

But why do WE hold OURSELVES to standards we don’t agree with?

I asked a friend: “why do you feel like you need to get done up?” Her answer: “I don’t do it for boys, I do it for the girls.”

How often do girls sit around and pick apart other girls? Though I agree boys are shallow, selfish and inconsiderate, GIRLS play an equivalent role in holding others to this standard; sexy clothes, flawless make-up, hair and nails done.

“Is she really wearing that?” — GIRLS.

I stay single because I’m sick of GIRLS.

MEN & WOMEN have no standards. No expectations. No mold.

MEN want someone that challenges them mentally. Not a bad b!tch.
MEN want someone that no matter how hard they try, they’ll never take her home from the club. Not a “TURN DOWN FOR WHAT!?!?!” girl.
MEN find sweatpants and a hoodie just as sexy as a tight dress.
MEN consider a sundress beautiful. Boys think your short shorts and crop top are “f**king hot as f**k”
MEN care more about the content of what you say than how you look saying “WEEEEEEEOOOOOO” after your 4th shot of tequila.


WOMEN are described in this article under beautiful. WOMEN are beautiful. Those things are what makes them such. Not the physical beauty you see but the warm heart you don’t. The strong mind you have to uncover. And the love you have to earn. BEAUTIFUL is that smile she gives you when she wakes up feeling like the luckiest girl in the world.

MEN EARN WOMEN. They conquer the walls put up by the boys that neglected to see their true worth.

The ACTUAL difference between HOT and BEAUTIFUL is the difference between GIRLS and WOMEN, BOYS and MEN.

So I ask you again, why do WE hold OURSELVES to standards we don’t agree with?

Apologies for the consistent rants; but it’s time we wake up, see life’s BEAUTY and make it what it SHOULD be.


