
The Essentials

Some of the things I love

Aleksander Bieroński
I. M. H. O.
Published in
2 min readOct 5, 2013


“The Essentials” is an idea I wanted to proceed in HANGOUT but haven’t ever got to doing it. Here is my written take.


I use an iPhone 5. I know, I know, nothing original. It’s just that I used iPhones since the 3G and got used to it and never felt the need to change (I have to say Lumias look promising). I like the principles that stand behind iOS and its workflow. App Store fits my app needs best. The duo with Earpods is obligatory.


Once again, Apple. iPad 3 which I use daily was actually my first ever tablet. Why an iPad? Paper, movies, web, iOS.


MacBook Air. Light, mobile, versatile. It holds up well with Photoshop and Premiere. Apps like iA Writer, GarageBand, iStudiez are exclusive — nothing really I could substitute on other platform. iCloud sync with my iPhone is also an advantage.


In addition to Evernote or Drafts on iOS I like to go back to analog days. I love my Moleskine for sketching, drawing or simply taking notes. It’s not as convenient as digital equivalent but it does the job.


Reading takes a huge part of my life. Daily I read articles on the web, but nothing gives me more joy than a good book. Some of my favorites I read last year include “The Dog Stars” by Peter Heller, “1Q84" by Haruki Murakami, “The Shape of Design” by Frank Chimero.


I listen to music everyday. Mainly mellow tones — electronic. I like The Internet “Feel Good”, Rebeka “Hellada”, Alt-J “An Awesome Wave”. If you’re a fan of curated playlists I highly recommend 50ft Radio by John Carey.


I admire writing. Maybe because I never felt good at it myself. Places I get inspired by: MinimallyMinimal by Andrew Kim, FiftyFootShadows by John Carey, VSCO Journal, Dustin Curtis and Medium.


Let’s be honest. Everyone watches silly videos on YouTube and browses Facebook all day. I do too. In my short breaks between “internet fun” I like to peek into Pinterest, Hypebeast, Abduzeedo and try to Inbox Zero my Pocket.


I’m not really a fan of how Facebook handles social media. Surely it’s great that your family’s there and your friends and social events, but thats not the type of coversation I want to have with people. Twitter takes a better approach at this. It’s simple yet comunicative. People I follow vigorously there: @tytusholdys, @pushingatoms, @mikeyziel.

These are not obviously all the things I love, but I don’t want to overkill. Besides, that’s what I use on daily basis and that’s the point.

This is my take on “Essentials” — things I love.



Aleksander Bieroński
I. M. H. O.

Music junkie. Exploring the world of advertising from Dubai.