st pauls lifestyle

The Game of Thrones is not lost for our rising generation.

I. M. H. O.
4 min readApr 1, 2013


Game of Thrones is a wonderful and exciting series. Warriors and politicians immersed in public and secret battles and the greatest war of all is the challenge to survive. It is no wonder that this series is such an enormous hit. It is gripping and brilliant.

It could not be further from the truth of the existence of the generation coming through the working ranks of today. For many, theirs is a purposeless existence “there’s nothing useful for us to do as computers and robots do it all”, I’ve been told. On the face of it, this sounds like a defeatist’s excuse. Probe deeper though and think harder before you cast this observation aside: in the last thirty years, advances in technology have been wondrous. For example, agriculture, shopping, manufacturing, travel, housekeeping and pleasure activities used to be time costly manual exercises requiring many people to complete one task. These have all been have been transformed into executions which take a mere click or button press in order to delegate the fulfilment of the job in hand to some kind of machine or computer.There is a fundamental physical human redundancy in the running of our lives ‘now’ as compared to ‘then’.

This issue is compounded by the fact that for the last fifteen years we have been ‘living on line’. This is an exarcebating factor to the premise that “there’s nothing useful to do” because an on line life is inherently one of physical solitude and isolation. No physical movement is required to ‘live on line’; this way of being places no demand for ‘usefulness’ on anyone.

I feel for the bright young generation reaching an age of ‘independence’ now. There is no real ‘workplace’ for them to earn their stripes. There is no need to interact in a way which snowballs self-definition and value.What do these people do? Where does their self esteem come from? They have no self-affirming battles to win or Thrones to capture.

They are however voracious consumers of online products: information, film, music, education etc.They have an understanding and global knowledge of the on line mentality of others beyond our wildest dreams.They also have something truly magical - a novel expectation of how their lives will be. ‘Nine to five’ is not even contemplated - theirs is an acceptance of working when required.

Critically, I think they do not really know what ‘work’ is.This is a good thing because noone does any more. Is it ploughing the field and harvesting the wheat? No. Is it marking up documents with a pen and pencil? No. Is it processing photos, films…etc? No. This generation of ‘workers’ is right not to know what work is because noone does.In fact I am not even sure that we really have ‘work’ per se any more for a large chunk of our population.

What is left then? How will this precious and switched on generation conquer their Thrones, win their lands and attain a value of self?

I think they will do it with an on line output. For the one thing that is ubiquitous now is on line consumption. This is not a bad thing, it is different that is all. It is 24/7, discerning and with the widest audience man has ever known. We have an apparently insatiable hunger for on line fodder. Lucky for us that we also have a generation coming through who will - one way or another - figure out a way of providing that 24/7 food and living a new way in the process.9 to 5 just won’t do it. So I think we should embrace all ideas and all endeavours however ‘unconventional’ and throw away the ‘good old ways’ that no longer apply. If anyone comes at you with an idea that’s crazy, just try harnessing it and see what power you’ve captured.

We’ll soon be back on track with a generation of players in a modern metaphorical but real Game of Thrones, embracing ways of inputting and outputting the internet, with value and commitment. To many it may not be recognisable as ‘work’ or ‘employment’ but it will be worthwhile. With it, the feelings of hope and value in its providers will return.

Support the generation of players in this tumultuous technological time. Do not look away because you do not see the end or understand the journey. Be brave and trust the innovation of others. This generation are our captains for change and will surely steer us into an inevitably different way of living.

