The haste

How to stop running and start living

Vovk Donets
I. M. H. O.
Published in
2 min readOct 4, 2013


The world have got faster. Every day we a in a hurry. To eat, to drink, to do as much tasks as we can. Is it right? For someone yes, for me —definetly “No”. Human life is miracle. And you have only one.

At first i said the world have got faster. It’s not really true. Got faster only some parts: finance, factories and e.t.c. Big finance guys want us cosume more, even so we dont need so much products. To consume more we need more money, to make more money we need always be in action. It’s a circle. And we are rats. We are moving by our own greed.

To stop running circles you must use your brain and think. Always ask yourself: “Do i really need it?”, “Would i be happier if i do 1 000 tasks per day?”. Wow, 1 000 tasks per day! You are a robot now!
You must create a slim criteria system and use it to evaluate your everyday life. Cast away all extra tasks, extra items, if thing is working do not throw out it just because it’s not iPhone 5. Stand out and do not take part in consumer nightmare. And you would be happier then before. Definitely.



Vovk Donets
I. M. H. O.

Эй, славяне! Вообще, тут о программировании и инженерах, но иногда пробегают и другие залётные записи.