I have no idea, honestly

The In-between Thoughts

When you’re near, people ignore you, but when you’re away, they all gather and try to keep in touch with you. Even when it is not necessary

I. M. H. O.
Published in
3 min readOct 16, 2013


Life is all about the irony, is it? Because life without the irony will be, well, nothing.

I’m always away filling some empty spots for seminar, or freelance work. I work in a production crew and also a videographer. Seldom that I find myself at home either on weekdays, or even on public holidays.

Working and traveling has been “the thing” for me for three years. So every time I got the chance to stay home to relax or just to kill some time, I invited my friends to come over or just to have some conversation over coffee. My dad had taught me to keep a close relationship with friends and families and hearing some new stories from them would be delightful given that I’m always outside most of the time.

The thing is, whenever I invite my friends to come over, they always have this excuse not to come but hey, I’m cool with that. I’m always cool about it. There are some friends that did came over. And of course, I asked them..

“Am I a douche? Because whenever I invited them (my other friends) usually, they won’t come.”

One of my friend did told me that I’m a douche. But the person who called me a douche is my best friend. That didn’t count, right? That’s what best friends are for. Sarcasm intended.

So, not giving a flying fuck why my friends won’t spend some time with me, I carry on doing what I love (I’m not lying, I do love my job) and some procrastinating, and then it struck me, maybe I should try something new.

So here I am, doing a working holiday in Australia. Traveling between the thinning season and the picking season. I can’t wait to do some picking.

After I called my parents, telling them that I have safely arrived, with my best friend, I haven’t checked my phone since all the contacts in Australia is in my friend’s phone.

After one whole week, I decided to check my emails and other things on the internet (read: Facebook, Twitter, all that distracting stuff) and hey, look what I got!

Many of my mates are now very furious because I didn’t tell them I’m going anywhere with who and why and all the stuff. I mean, I have to justify the choices that I ALREADY made with these people? Really?

They’re telling me that I should keep in touch with them while I’m doing my working holiday because bla bla bla. I don’t really care actually. And to be honest, I didn’t really listen to them properly.

So, do I still have to justify my choice with calling them a bunch of ungrateful bollocks? No, I don’t think so.

Because this is life. C’est la vie.



I. M. H. O.

I’m interested in the art of seeing. Videographer. Love to read and travel. @zotzawson