The More You Know, the Less You Need

Why knowledge helps declutter your life.

Courtney Wilbur
I. M. H. O.
Published in
3 min readJul 12, 2013


I never really understood this until I started to really see how as the past five years have gone by I have become a minimalist. This is all due to the fact that my reading has increased to full book worm status, my writing is constant and I have figured out what I truly want to study.

There are the three P’s that knowledge helps you clean up: People, Pressures and Philosophies.

People: We need people, that isn’t what changes. But we need the right people. It’s pretty self evident that we should surround ourselves with those who are increasing our human experience instead of dragging it down. We need people that teach us things, who support us, and who add meaning to life. This isn’t that difficult. We are usually drawn to like minded individuals - friendship is involuntary. Sadly the more we learn the smaller our circles become. The world, as Kurt Vonnegut would say “is lacking a dependable mass of readers.” The majority have a hard time reading anything besides what is on social media sites and in gossip magazines. I find that the older I get it’s harder to find people at work or in my older friendships that want to discuss Hemingway, Tolstoy or Kierkegaard. The thing is as we find these people that become our friends, lovers, family, etc., we will see that the circle will get smaller, but you will discover that less doesn’t matter. It truly is more to have a few great people vs. a large group that are only okay.

Pressures: When you spend most of your time filling up your mind with new knowledge you won’t be filling up your credit card as much. Being able to understand and see through a lot of social pressures in our society helps us to focus on what really feeds our minds instead of things that empty it. You will find that you will be satisfied with a day of reading at a coffee shop, a simple day hike or even just an evening on your porch while it rains. It’s easy to see why what really sustains us can’t be found in a department store.

You will also find that you don’t need to give into the mindless lies that create “Popular Culture.” Sure, ignorance is bliss, but knowledge is a free and peaceful mind. I don’t care how miserable I am, if my mind is free and enlightened, my happiness is there.

Philosophies: We are all going to have different philosophies, we’re human, but the fact that we even consider what our personal philosophy is, is HUGE! When we gain knowledge we start to contemplate more than just that subject. To contemplate our existence, what a gift! We are all capable of this, but sadly some never take advantage of it. That’s the thing about learning, or reading, it’s like a gateway drug to the mysteries of our lives, each other and the universe. And once you’re hooked, there’s really no going back. I believe this scares a lot of people. We are afraid to really know, because it won’t always be blissful. In fact there will be times when knowledge will expose you to so much truth or you will see how society has bought into lies and you will mourn for yourself and your fellow man. But it’s all just part of the process.

I will end by adding a fourth, knowledge is power. We need to remember this because all those material possessions won’t save our souls, what we fill our brains with will. How we treat other human beings will, and how we use that knowledge will. We need to remember to continue to educate ourselves. It doesn’t matter if it means getting your degree, reading a book, or simply just questioning something. Never stop learning. The more we know, the less we truly need. Simple words for an extraordinary life.



Courtney Wilbur
I. M. H. O.

I like to read books, take photographs, and drink tea. @c.w.rose