please Stop telling me this will happen to me

These 19 alternatives to “BLOW YOUR MIND” will BLOW YOUR MIND!

Dearest Internet;

Shawn Parkinson
I. M. H. O.
Published in
2 min readNov 15, 2013


You are a strange and beautiful entity and I love you in ways that you and I will never fully understand, but we have a problem.You are telling me at least 5 times a day that something will “BLOW MY MIND”.

The things don’t blow my mind. It’s an empty promise now. It means nothing. It’s done. We need to spice things up, and frankly, we are better than this. So here, I earnestly offer 19 alternatives to “BLOW YOUR MIND” for you to go forth and exaggerate in new and wonderful ways that will…

1) …take your breath away.

2) …knock your socks off.

3) …have you clutching your pearls.

4) …melt your face.

5) …flabbergast you.

6) …provide you clarity.

7) …make you question your very existence.

8) …cause you to quiver uncontrollably.

9) …change your perspective.

10) …make your brown eyes blue.

11) …shake your belief system to its foundation.

12) …send you floating towards the light.

13) …confirm the existence of God.

14) …reveal the mysteries of the universe.

15) …make you have a “come to Jesus” moment.

16) …take you to the puppet show and show you the strings.

17) …hit you like a stupefy spell.

18) …rock you like a hurricane.

19) …make you Keanu.

Thanks for reading, citizens of the internet.

I’d love to hear your alternatives to “BLOW YOUR MIND”!

Thanks @jasonxesteban for rolling this proverbial snowball down the hill.

