Tips for Getting Over a Break-up?

I have one: Grow up.

Heather Mattingly
I. M. H. O.
Published in
2 min readNov 8, 2013


This one is for the ladies, but dudes, you might get something from it.

Your boyfriend just broke up with you. Typically, the only reason either of you don’t get back together is because someone has already moved on to someone else. You get pissed, talk shit about him with your friends, start flirting with guys because MAYBE he’ll see you at the same bar and get jealous of someone talking to you. Don’t do that, it’s pathetic.

Doing all of those things will only make you feel better in the moment. So, stop doing whatever you’re doing out of spite and do something for your heart and mind and help those two precious, valuable organs recover.

Not sure how to grow up from a destroyed relationship? Go out and better yourself. Focus on YOU and what makes YOU happy, because God knows that if you’re talking shit on him and being spiteful, the relationship quickly went down hill a long time ago.

Real quick, this is what I did to get over my shit, and I’ve never felt more confident and happy:

I read a book to understand the huge difference in communication between men and women [You Just Don’t Understand! by Deborah Tannen]; I read a book about understanding why everyone, regardless of how many relationships, have baggage [When the Past is Present by David Richo]; I got into indoor rock climbing because climbing makes your body feel amazing and clears your mind to focus on what every part of your body is doing, nothing else; Every guy I talked to, I informed I wasn’t over my ex, because if you’re not over him, you’ll gauge every nice dude against him, and that’s not cool.

Lastly, I know bad boys are fun, and the sex is good, but don’t start crying and then blame him for being a shitty boyfriend; blame yourself for making poor decisions.

Grow up.



Heather Mattingly
I. M. H. O.

I love watching pigeons, drinking beer and eating breakfast.