Welcome To The USA

9 years ago today, I arrived

Mehdi Saharkhiz
I. M. H. O.
Published in
3 min readAug 14, 2013


9 years, time flies when you have fun, time flies when you find the person you want to spend your life with. If you are lucky, year after year you become more and more sure of the choice you made.

But when are you 100 percent sure? When does it become evident that you have made the best decision of your life and no matter what happens you have the right person on your side? The day I Married, I was sure of what I was doing, I was 21 then and almost everyone told me that I was making a mistake marrying so young but I was sure.

In 2009 my decision and life became more transparent as I started to spend the time that was ours to do things for Iran. What I did for Iran was not important nor did it make a big difference in the bigger picture, those in Iran are the heroes, but what my wife did for me was nothing outside of selflessness and greatness in my eyes, she is always my hero.

She stood by my side and hugged me when all I could do was cry for hours as I tried to upload videos to youtube. When I was afraid to click on a link to see another body laying on the streets, she never left my side. She stayed with me night and day and pushed me to my limit so I can make a small difference and maybe just maybe one of the big media outlets covers the stories of Iran Election.

Over that past 4 years, with my dad beaten and taken to jail with broken ribs and put in solitary, when he fainted over and over in the prison becuase of health issues, where I would not know if he is going to live another day, she gave me hope, the will and power to go on. She was and is the rock I needed to step on when I was drowning in the ocean of hurt on the other side of the world.

The story of #Iranelection has a start for everyone. For me the start, the middle and the end has one thing in common, I have a rock by my side who will support me until the dream comes true.

Until the day we go to Iran and dance in the streets, surrounded with people full of hope, come back and continue our lives.

The story of Iran election is about love, loves that were on the street but mostly the love from those around us who supported & held our hand …

She is the reasons I believe in angles…

They say behind every great man there’s a woman. While I’m not a great man, there’s a great woman behind me.’”

Meryll Fros



Mehdi Saharkhiz
I. M. H. O.

Talks about #iranelection in english so this side of the workd knows what is going on. Left Iran so accepts the choices of those in #Iran @onlymehdi