We’re missing out.

(and it’s not just FOMO)

Conz Preti
I. M. H. O.
Published in
2 min readJun 25, 2013


I’m annoyed. I’m annoyed at what we’ve become as human beings. Ok, maybe not everyone will fall in the description below, I get it, generalizations are bad. But almost everyone I know follows it by the book the rant I’m about to go off on.

We are missing out.
We take for granted that we can see with our eyes magnificent landscapes, walk through the beach, swim under waves, feel the air hitting us in the face.

Instead we chose to sit in front of a computer 8 hours a day (sometimes even more) and sigh helplessly as we stare out the window at the beautiful day we are missing.

We are missing out on our lives.

By the time we actually acknowledge the fact that we are indeed missing out it’ll be too late. Your knees will be telling you that you can’t walk that far, your eyes will need a filter to look through so everything you see isn’t a blur. Or you’ll be too busy making sure your kids have everything they need leaving your needs in second place.

But what can we do to change this? That is the tricky question.

Maybe it’s about trying something new every day, like walking on a different street to the subway. Maybe it’s finally taking some time to do what you truly love, like volunteering with animal shelters. It can be as simple as trying that haircut that you always thought would look great on you, and even if it doesn’t, at least you tried, right?

It sounds cliche but think about it. Don’t you now have an itch that you need to scratch? Stop staring at your screen and do one thing: enjoy life.



Conz Preti
I. M. H. O.

Journalist & Social Media Strategist. Former @UnivisionNews, @Mashable, @ColumbiaJourn alum. Hopeless romantic, allergic to chocolate. Multilingual tweets.