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What Do You Do With Your Children?

There’s no wonder they grow up like they do.

Temo Baratashvili
I. M. H. O.
Published in
2 min readJul 3, 2013


Pardon me, I’m not a parent, but this is what I see observing my friends and acquaintances raising their kids. I saw a photo on Facebook shared by one of my friends. Her son dressed in military uniform. Yes, it’s cute, makes you smile, you click on like and carry on with surfing the net.

But what does it do to a child? This reminds me the A Fabulous Child’s Story.

1. We dress our kids in pink and blue, give them toys like cars, guns, robots, barbies, kitchen toys, etc. Then they grow up being a “man” or a “woman”. If a male child will be little different, let’s say homosexual, then he won't be a “man” anymore. Put the orientation aside, even if he will like fashion, hairstyling, cooking, this all will provoke significant reaction from society (I’m talking about countries like Georgia, Turkey, etc.). He will just be an outlaw. A man who’s not a “man”.

What is man? A male human being, that’s it. There’s no defined behaviours, dressing styles, or activities he should do. This is all pre-defined by society and of course by parents.

2. My sociology prof. in university always reminded us that he never persuaded his daughter to read particular religious book. He just puts it on her table every evening, if she want she reads, if not, well - not.

This’s what we should do with our children. Show them choices, give them opportunities to see something different. Unfortunately we do everything on contrary, especially in Georgia. When child is born, parents baptiste him/her right away. No one thinks, maybe this child will grow up to be buddhist, muslim, or anything else.

We shouldn’t create somone out of children, we should see who they will become and assist them in the development.



Temo Baratashvili
I. M. H. O.

UX/UI Designer 👨‍🎨 Trainer & lecturer; @temology