“Black sheep camp” by alexandre humbert

What I Learned Waiting In Line

Why The Matrix is an accurate depiciton of life.

Vetoh Ward
I. M. H. O.
Published in
2 min readOct 19, 2013


The line never seems to end. You’re sweating like a camel and the fact that those two old Chinese guys are taking hours to understand how to put a sim card in their phones is making you vaguely racist.

To top it all off, you have to get back to work immediately after being through this hell and your girlfriend is pissed at you.

Why the fuck am I waiting in line?


Constraints are honestly shit. SHIT.

Rules affect us in a way we can’t even understand… they change the deepest parts of our very own being.

Hobbes used to say that when we were born, we subdued our natural reason (to live, to fuck, to eat, to pee, etc.) to a greater one called Government or State.

Long story short, what tells you to stop at the red light? Who stops you? In absence of any material barriers (i.e. a wall) or physical deficits (i.e. not driving) there is no real impediment to continuing our drive.

But there is a thing called Law, and another called Homicide and another called Prison that stop us from just speeding through all those crossing motherfuckers.

“But this is good, isn’t it?”

Says the preppy Liberal Arts student.

“Only if your definition of “good” matches with “The Matrix.”

The System, while saving our asses for a while, has completely destroyed human nature, turning us in these effing little production machines that are scared of any independent thought, anything outside the given set of rules, ready to constantly judge and comment on any manifestation of internal freedom.

Why don’t we like people who simply do what they want?

Because they are anomalies. They are considered as errors by the system. That uncomfortable sensation we have in presence of someone who is awkwardly dancing in the middle of a clothes shop is our internal code, trying to escape the automated series of response the System feeds to us.

And we can’t just step up and send The System to clean it’s sphincter with a flush of warm water. The System itself will immediately warn all of our neighbors immediately, activating the ESCS “Embarrassed Stare and Condescending Superiority” mode, where we’ll start to pity and make fun of the person trying to fight for its own freedom.

And since by construction, we hate and despise embarrassment more than physical pain, once we realize we’re being subjected to the ESCS, we stop and go back to our normal self.

This is why I would just like to start screaming everyone to fuck off immediately, and I can’t.

And won’t.


Goddamn Matrix.

