What Stephen Harper Could Have Said

Let’s be clear…

Eric Domond
I. M. H. O.
2 min readNov 21, 2013


Mr. Speaker,

I was aware of Senator Duffy’s improper expense claims and directed my Chief of Staff, Mr. Wright, to do whatever was necessary in order for the issue to be resolved satisfactorily once he informed me of the situation.

I had no knowledge of Mr. Wright’s personal cheque to reimburse Senator Duffy, and had I known of it I would have immediately advised against it. But I was aware that several individuals in the PMO and Senate were involved and consulted in order to rectify the situation in a way that I presumed would be lawful.

When Senator Duffy approached Mr. Wright, explaining that he could not afford to pay back what he should not have claimed, Mr. Wright acted alone, but with the interests of Canadian taxpayers in mind. Mr. Wright acted honourably even if that act was in contravention of the law.

Let me just say this, though: You’re darn right we weren’t about to allow taxpayers to have to pay up for expenses that were unwarranted. We were given this mandate to bring accountability back to Ottawa after the travesty that was the Liberal Party of Canada’s Sponsorship scandal, and in keeping with that I stand before you today to say I assume full responsibility for the actions of those who report to me.

I admit that since this whole ordeal has come to light that some questionable actions have been taken by some of my staff in relation to the actions of the Senate and the reports and audits related to Senator Duffy. Rest assured, Mr. Speaker, that I have ordered all materials pertaining to the situation be provided to the appropriate authorities and the PMO is operating in complete cooperation with those authorities.

It was with a heavy heart that I accepted Mr. Wright’s resignation. We believe in justice and being tough on crime, and while I can’t condone breaking the law, I believe that Mr. Wright’s intentions were honourable and he desired only to ensure that the Canadian people, whose hard-earned dollars the Conservative Party of Canada works to keep in their hands, were not left holding the bag.

But let me be absolutely, perfectly—crystal—clear: The Conservative Party of Canada was never going to allow Senator Duffy to have his improper expenses paid for by Canadian taxpayers. It was in this spirit that Mr. Wright acted. It is a testament to Mr. Wright’s character that he spent his own money—without the expectation of repayment—to ensure that taxpayers would never have to foot the bill. That is the kind of character this government stands for and that is the calibre of staff I personally appoint to work in the PMO.

Mr. Speaker, I will ensure that all the details of this sordid affair—and those who were involved in it—will be brought to light, and those who have colluded behind the scenes will face the full brunt of the law.

Canadians deserve nothing less.

