Why I don’t like Facebook anymore…

Paula Holmes
I. M. H. O.
Published in
2 min readAug 13, 2013

When Facebook launched it was a great way to stay in contact with people you don’t always get to see and build up a network of friends. They would like your pictures, leave comments and tell you how wonderful you looked and you were in fact famous for five minutes. Facebook has undergone many changes over the years it has been running and I have decided that Facebook I don’t really like you anymore and here is why…

THEN: Simple profile page and clear design. I would easily visit friends pages to see what they had been up to.

NOW: Never go on anyone’s page and a pointless cover photo design.

THEN: Newsfeed that showed you every little thing your friends were up to.

NOW: Newsfeed that shows me nothing, full of adverts I don’t want to see and brands pushing crap at me. Yes you can customise this but I still don’t see anything I bloody want to!

THEN: Upload pictures straight after a night out, albums were full.

NOW: Maybe the odd mobile upload, never an album

THEN: Anyone was your friend, request and accept.

NOW: If I don’t know you, you aren’t coming in.

THEN: Fun pictures of friends doing stupid things

NOW: Babies and marriage EVERYWHERE

THEN: Everyone had their own flock of sheep, pigs and crops; everyone had a farm on Farmville

NOW: No I don’t want to play Sims or Candy Crush with you.

THEN: Simple and easy friend search tool

NOW: A cluttered and pointless Graph Search

THEN: Privacy meant privacy

NOW: Privacy does not mean privacy

Did you know that if you have your Facebook open on your computer it will track every website you visit? It also keeps a search history of what you searched for on the site. Brands are taking data from you every time you decide to enter those ‘WIN £100'competitions on that special app. They can also have access to your profiles. At one point during all Facebook’s changes your profile probably was PUBLIC and you didn’t know, they may also have leaked your phone number. How nice of them.

The only reason I still stick with Facebook is to promote my blog on its own page. Even by those means a Facebook Like is much harder to get than a Twitter follow.

Is it really worth it anymore?

