Why post at Medium?

Do I really need another platform?

Kevin Holtsberry
I. M. H. O.
Published in
2 min readJun 5, 2013


I stumbled on Medium via Twitter and found it intriguing from the start. I liked the simplicity and content focus. I also like the sense of finding interesting content and interacting with it in useful ways (unlike so many comment sections). So I signed up and hoped to be able to contribute at some point.

Obviously, I have that privilege now as you are reading this post. But then comes the next question: what to post? And this question led me to the title of this post: why? I have been blogging for over a decade and am an avid user of social media. Do I really need another platform or place to share my thoughts and ideas?

Well, yes and no. First of all, as some who works in communications and uses social and online media as part of his job I think it is worth exploring any new platform or process. If there is the possibility of reaching an audience then I want to check it out and get a sense of its strengths and weaknesses; of its usefulness or potential.

Second, I have a sense that Medium could help connect me with interesting ideas and people in ways that stand alone blogging or other social media platforms cannot. A community that rewards insight as well as simplicity and brevity is worth exploring. And I think fully participating in this community will help me connect.

I also think Medium could help me improve my writing skills. Thinking about crafting well written and meaningful posts and receiving feedback in the form of recommendations and comments is both motivational and instructional. It focuses the mind while at the same time providing guidance on what “works” and what doesn't.

So I guess what I am saying is that the possibilities of exploring a new platform or process for writing and communication is interesting enough and has enough potential (with let’s be honest a pretty low barrier to entry) that I find myself wanting to jump in and explore.

I will leave to you to tell me how I am doing.



Kevin Holtsberry
I. M. H. O.

communications & public affairs type - reader of books, watcher of football