you’re not listening to music properly.

didn’t know there were options.

brittney inc.
I. M. H. O.


As of lately, music has become this expected experience. I’ve always had this strange sense that I know how I’m feeling; don’t take my word on it, I’ve been wrong before.

I don’t mind opinions. I don’t mind music that isn’t specifically arousing to my ears. Just don’t tell me that I’m listening to music wrong. Sure, say that I’m sitting on a toilet wrong and that maybe we were all meant to turn around and face the tank instead of what we once knew as forward. I’ll give it a try and tell you how I feel about it. My passion and curiousity for music won’t allow me to not listen to anything that is placed in front of me. I’ll give it a listen and if I like it, well you’ll catch me culture club bouncing along to your tunes. If I don’t like it, I’ll give you a shrug and continue in my pursuit for musical tranquility and all that literal jazz. But no I won’t fucking vibe to your music. Sorry that your music doesn’t fascinate me. My deepest condolences to your feeling of potential and musical superiority. Instead of changing the music for the desired results, people are hellbent on manipulating the opinion. Consider that it’s not people that don’t understand but that you are putting a fingerpainting in a room full of Van Gogh’s screaming and pointing “this is art!”. We hear you and we’ll get to you once everything else loses it’s appeal.

Since improvement isn’t an option, the idea of complete spiritual bullshit arises; where there are lethargic twits, there is some spiritual bullshit not to far. Using “vibe”, “third eye” and other divine language isn’t going to change the actual quality of the music. Telling me that my energy isn’t clear enough to hear what you made, won’t make it any less some shit. I can hear the music but I can’t hear what you’re listening to.

I am not living through the music, huh? Not saying that music isn’t a spiritual experience. Music is more than just an experience, it’s the empathy human kind was promised. I just won’t fake the sensation for the sake of the atmosphere. If you want people to dance, make them dance. Complaining that people don’t dance to music anymore isn’t the picture you should be looking toward. Turn around and realize that if your music doesn’t entice movement, we’ll all be standing still; which we are.

Say what you want about different genres. But no genre is a crappy genre. No matter what genre you throw on the table, I’ll toss at least five decent artists that are universally appealing in that genre. Change up the sound if you want to but all sounds stem from another which is the definition of a sub-genre. The sound may be rare but that shouldn’t affect the audience. The audience doesn’t go out listening for specific sounds but instead hears something entracing and is trapped. Music is a trap; songs get stuck in your head and sounds get released through your movements. Instead of manipulating the people by being pretentious, allow the music be the compelling dictator.

Model your music after Hitler.

In the end, it may be hated and bedeviled but it will be remembered and influential enough to remain eternally unmatched.



brittney inc.
I. M. H. O. feels like I'm doing a really bad impersonation of myself.