Memo random 10: Reply all is for use only in emergencies.

Zero Inboxes

Just say no to email. No. No. No.

chrille peterson
Published in
2 min readSep 10, 2013


Email has been around for over 15 years and is an essential part of most businesses. This has created some strange behaviors.

Getting Things Done, GTD, promotes zero inbox, the zen inbox, focus, folders, actions and more — lots of blog posts have been written on this topic. Still, some people use the inbox as a todo list with emails as action items. Some people check their email every five minutes or use it as instant messaging. Others write long essays just to ask one single question. Research show that we spend several hours a week just emailing.

This must end. Mostly because we are letting email take control, shatter our work days and steal our focus. For most people, email is a waste of time, instant interruptions. Noise. The little number counting unread emails is not a number of people thinking of you. Email is not instant communication. Email is not a productivity tool. Not a todo list.

It is time to introduce Zero Inboxes. That’s right. No inboxes. Say goodbye to CC:s, Reply all and to Mark all as read. You won’t be missing anything important. You have to be in control of your email, not the other way around.

Zero Inboxes is all about switching the roles of email in your life and do things differently. Talk to people, solve problems, inform and get answers face to face. Call them. And use email smarter. Zero Inboxes is about distraction-free work – with focus, without interruptions.

Here are some of the steps to achieve Zero Inboxes. And no, you don’t to do them all at once. But following some of them will help you getting things done. Try one step every day.

  • Unsubscribe to all newsletters.
  • Turn off all “Get new email every x min”-functions on all of your devices. When you are ready to get email, you will push the button.
  • Say no to email notifications, or spam-you-might-want. Always.
  • Ask people to call you or meet you in person. And tell them to have an agenda. You will have to have one, too.
  • Filter all emails with your address in the CC. Move to trash.
  • Never use the Reply-All function. This function is for emergencies only.
  • Learn your organization to communicate differently, without email, with Yammer or any other kind of office back channel.
  • Check your email just once or twice a day. Focus.
  • Send shorter emails. Emails are one topic only.

Maybe you have some tricks of your own? Please add them as comments!

The image, comes from the amazing Kickstarter project Memo Randoms.



chrille peterson
I. M. H. O.

web strategist at day, startup guy at night. from sweden. currently working on superprints,