Submitting Your Story

We’d love to hear from you.

Marga Ortigas
I, Migrant: Travel the World
1 min readFeb 6, 2018


Have you got a tale to tell?

Maybe you’ve been somewhere different that’s taught you something new about yourself, or the world.

Have you been moved to write because of someone you’ve just met? Or perhaps because of a newly discovered place?

When there’s a story you’d like to share, please send an email to the editor with a copy of your piece and your Medium username.

We will then add you as a writer for the publication so you can send your story to us as a draft on Medium.

Sorry there doesn’t seem to be an easier way to do this here — yet.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Enjoy your travels, and journey within.



Marga Ortigas
I, Migrant: Travel the World

Introspective adventurer. Recovering journalist. Happiest in a world of chocolates, flat whites, marshmallows, and yes — musicals. <>