Parents, Do the Hard Work Now

Navigating the intricacies of parenting.

The Pod
Published in
5 min readFeb 17, 2021


I’m a parent. Like most, I think I do a pretty good job. Not perfect of course, but there is certainly a thoughtfulness to the choices I make and the discipline I decide to carry out.

You know how when you are growing into the role of parenthood and you get advice from every direction? Some wanted, some unwanted, but all with good intentions. I have a foggy remembering of people who had been on the parenting journey and are on the other side of the hill. I remember little seedlings of advice that sounded so…..simple.

Well, now that I’ve done this parenting thing for a while, I have a simple thought….DO THE HARD WORK NOW. What I mean is this:

It’s worth it to ponder the meaning of words and the way that they’re strung together:

“Simple is not the same as easy.”

Parenting definitely comes in styles and as I sit and think about the different styles, sometimes I envy the sets of parents that look on the surface to be the fun ones. You know the ones I mean, the ones that buy their children EVERYTHING they could ever want and more.

When you visit their house, you can feel the slight jealousy coming from your children about the sheer amount of covetable material belongings bulging…



The Pod
I, Mother.

No idea what I’m doing here, I only know it’s vulnerable, thrilling, and scary.