I/O News Update November 2019

I/O News
Published in
3 min readDec 1, 2019

On the 12th of November cryptocurrency investing and trading platform Abra announced that I/O Coin is now available on their platform for US customers and people from other countries will be able to buy, exchange, deposit and withdraw IOC later on in December. This news came as a very welcome surprise for both the IOC core team as well as the community because Abra had not reached out beforehand. But Abra is not the only platform that unexpectedly added support for IOC without contacting the team or community this month. You can now also follow the price chart of I/O Coin on Coinbase and VCC Exchange which is based in Singapore but operates mainly in Vietnam also mentioned in the I/O Coin Telegram chat that they plan to add IOC to their exchange. Once this is official we will of course share the good news in one of our posts and it will undoubtedly be shared via the official I/O Coin social media channels as well.

Gold and Silver Plated Coins

Back in the early days of I/O Coin a community member had 100 gold plated and 100 silver plated collectors coins made and handed them out to the community. They mentioned that there were still 26 gold and 20 silver coins left for people to buy. Another community member then bought all the remaining coins to give to people for free if they put in great effort to support I/O Coin and spread awareness. Take a look at these awesome coins below!

If you go out of your way to promote I/O Coin and help out the community you might become a proud owner of one of these limited edition coins!


Last month we wrote that the release date of 1st of December for Nighthawk (read more about what Nighthawk is about here) was no longer possible. A quick update: early November Joel said that they are aiming to release the zero-knowledge protocol in Q2 2020 if there are no further unforeseen delays.

Do you have anything to add or do you have a question? The Telegram chat is the place to go. For questions about and support for the IOC Wallet, please join the I/O Coin Wallet Support channel instead. You can also find more info on the websites of I/O Coin, Chameleon Ledger and the I/O Digital Foundation. If you are a developer and you want to help the team, the I/O Coin GitHub is a good place to start.



I/O News
Editor for

I am an IOC enthusiast and I aim to write regular updates on everything related to I/O Coin.