Analytics, Not Just for Websites: Using Analytics to Optimize Your Crypto Investments

i-Pandora Blog
Published in
5 min readJan 3, 2019

The cryptocurrency market is well over $1 trillion in 2018, and that number continues to swell as blockchain-driven startups — or ICOs — sprout at record rates. The technology (and philosophy) driving cryptocurrencies isn’t bound to mathematics professors and “futurists” anymore. In fact, there is a social media post made every 3 seconds about Bitcoin alone, which is only one of over 2,400 currencies available for trade on the market.

So, it’s no wonder that cryptocurrency has become a powerful investment medium, and that millions of investors make trades on various markets every single day.

But, with a growing number of markets and analytic tools comes an increasing problem, finding a way to use analytic insights to fuel cryptocurrency investments in a fractured market.

With these 2,400 plus coins listed across multiple exchanges, using data-driven insights to capitalize on arbitrage opportunities is insanely difficult for investors. Today, we’re going to talk about why we need better analytic tools, why crypto-investors should be using analytics tools, and how i-Pandora can helps solve the ever-growing gap between cryptocurrency markets and analytic tools.

Why Crypto-Investors Should be Using Analytics

Analytics is the backbone of successful trading. Trading without analytics is, quite literally, blind trading. Without the ability to compare, analyze, track, record, and strategize cryptocurrencies, your trading on faith and word-of-mouth instead of utilizing tools that show real-to-life functions (like price movements, losses, and profits.)

Here are some of the most basic functionalities that investors should have access to regularly.

  1. A calendar. ICOs are surging, and there seems to be a new cryptocurrency introduced into the market in order to fund blockchain startups nearly daily. Investors need a way to track and record upcoming ICO launches, rumors, and other critical data regarding new cryptocurrencies that are making their way into the market.
  2. A health check. Investors need something that can give them general overarching details regarding a currency’s place in the market. This includes details such as volatility, % changes, drawdowns, and growth. This should also give details on exactly how the cryptocurrency is produced (i.e. gamified blockchain, etc.)
  3. The ability to match. Every investor should have the ability to compare the growth, price, market cap, and (this is important for crypto,) circulation of multiple different currencies. Matching currencies gives investors crucial insights into coin potentials.

There are other assets that investors can use to up their investing game like news aggregator websites and community forums, but, the above are the barebones of what any successful investing tool should provide.

So, where do you find a crypto-investment tool that does all of the above? Well… you don’t… yet.

Why We Need Better Analytic Tools

If you were to go and trade on the Forex market, you would have a toolset available that took care of your every need. This isn’t the case for cryptocurrency investors.

Currently, there are quite a few cryptocurrency investment tools that exist, but, they are highly fractured.

Sure, you can find a tool that provides health checks, but, can you find one that provides health checks and functions as a calendar? No.

You would have to go to two different companies, download these tools, and hope that each of them works to serve your purpose. In fact, currently, cryptocurrency investors are going to need a whole host of tools if they want to remain competitive in the highly chaotic world of crypto — that seems unnecessary.

Relying on tools that are scattered across providers (some free, others not) creates a gap that acts as a time sink for investors. You have to open (at least) 4 different applications, use a bunch of different markets, go to tons of different websites, and, in the end, you may find that this time spent navigating all of this clutter affects your bottom line.

Really, we don’t only need better tools; we need a better analytic tool structure. Investors need something that is comprehensive, simple, and accurate. Luckily, i-Pandora is working on just that.

How i-Pandora Closes the Gap

The primary purpose of i-Pandora is to act as a bridge between existing terminals in order to create a one-stop-shop for investors to purchase, trade, and analyze cryptocurrencies.

This means that i-Pandora wants to fuel investors by providing them with all the analytics that they need in one place, while still functioning as an overarching platform to connect existing trade terminals. It gets a lot more complicated than that (such as i-Pandora’s ability to keep all users anonymous by simply not asking for information.)

But, i-Pandora’s doing something amazing beyond facilitating cross-exchange trades. We truly want to help our users find, exectue, and optimize the very best trades, so we’re creating tools that help our users find success, no matter their experience level. i-Pandora is creating an analytic toolset that’s all-encompassing. A calendar, a health check, a matcher, and more all on one uniquely compact platform.

So, instead of cycling through a never-ending list of tools, platforms, and websites, i-Pandora is empowering users with a swiss-army knife of a toolset.


Analytics are important. They help investors analyze current opportunities in the market, deliver critical statistics, and provide insights into upcoming changes in the market.

Currently, there are an immense number of tools available for those who trade Forex or stocks, but there isn’t a comparable software package available to those who trade cryptocurrencies.

i-Pandora seeks to fix this issue by including a MetaTrader 5 (MT5), a crypto calendar, news and analytics, and educational tools all on one easy-to-use platform. In essence, cryptocurrencies need to be decentralized but cryptocurrency trading tools don’t. There are too many tools, websites, and platforms competing for crypto-investors time and money that it’s become a timesink for investors. We’re trying to un-niche cryptocurrency analytics by providing a more powerful toolset than any other company out there.

