Quotes About Suicide

A look at tragic desperation

Kiki Wellington
I quote, therefore I am.


Photo by AndreyPopov on DepositPhotos

Some of the most tragic deaths are the result of suicide, especially when you think about what someone’s life could have been. There are many ways that people kill themselves — physically, spiritually, and emotionally — and each death comes with its own set of consequences. These quotes explore suicide and its effects.

1. “But in the end one needs more courage to live than to kill himself.”
-Albert Camus

2. “I am constantly torn between killing myself and killing everyone around me.”
-David Levithan

3. “Most of the time, I do not want to die. But I would like to have the means of death within my grasp. I want to feel the luxury of choice, to know the answer to ‘How do I bear this?’ need not always be ‘Endure.’”
-Anna Lyndsey

4. “Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.”
-Phil Donahue

5. “Suicide isn’t cowardly. I’ll tell you what’s cowardly; treating people so badly that they want to end their lives.”
-Ashley Purdy

6. “On average, since the urge to kill myself isn’t so strong that I actually kill myself, the world is worth living in.”
-Tao Lin

