Quotes About the Weekend

Celebrating the best two days of the week

Kiki Wellington
I quote, therefore I am.


Daisies on wood with a piece of paper that reads “Happy weekend.” (quotes, quotations, weekend, weekends, Friday, Saturday, Sunday)
Photo by roobcio on DepositPhotos

Finally, we’re in the two days of the week we spend the other five waiting for. Whether you just sleep in, work on projects around the house, or take the opportunity to catch up on socializing, the weekend can be the best time of our week. These quotes express some of the reasons why.

1. “Without the weekend, where would the week be?”
-Anthony T. Hincks

2. “Weekends don’t count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless.”
-Bill Watterson

3. “The only reason why we ask other people how their weekend was is so we can tell them about our own weekend.”
-Chuck Palahniuk

4. “There are 365 days and 52 weekends in a year. Even if you are short on time off, you can still take weekend getaways. Does that count as a vacation? Of course it does.”
-Anita Kaltenbaugh

5. “Nobody wants to give up a weekend-long excuse to dress up and attempt to outshine one another.”
-Elizabeth Eulberg

6. “My favorite weekend activity is riding bikes to breakfast.”
-Halston Sage

