Quotes for Memorial Day

Remembering our fallen heroes

Kiki Wellington
I quote, therefore I am.


Two flags on a white background with the words “Thank you for your service” (Memorial Day, military, heroes, quotes, quotations, veterans)
Photo by EdZbarzhyvetsky on DepositPhotos

Another Memorial Day weekend is approaching, and we’re going to spend time with loved ones, enjoy the weather, and maybe have a nice barbecue. All of that is wonderful, of course, but it’s also a time to remember the people who have died bravely serving our country — and these quotes are for them.

1. “Here men endured that a nation might live.”
-Herbert Hoover

2. “Our nation owes a debt to its fallen heroes that we can never fully repay.”
-Barack Obama

3. “Whether we observe the occasion through public ceremony or through private prayer, Memorial Day leaves few hearts unmoved. Each of the patriots whom we remember on this day was first a beloved son or daughter, a brother or sister, or a spouse, friend, and neighbor.”
-George H.W. Bush

4. “This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave.”
-Elmer Davis

5. “It doesn’t take a hero to order men into battle. It takes a hero to be one of those men who goes into battle.”
-Norman Schwarzkopf

6. “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children…

