Anti-Goals and Knowing What You Don’t Want

Zain Khan
Published in
3 min readMay 19, 2022
Photo by Nicholas Bartos on Unsplash

Our likes and desires can change and our idea of success and growth can alter as we are presented new information but, more often than not, especially as time ticks along, we are quite set in our dislikes. I always thought I would eventually develop into a morning person, that once I reached a certain age (in my head that age was 21), I would start to wake up naturally at 6 or 7am and become a productive member of society.

That’s just never going to happen.

This isn’t to say I sleep in until noon but I need time to myself in the mornings to get the engine running. I need to stretch, drink a double espresso, read something, think about the day ahead and then slowly but surely get cracking until I hit a mental and emotional peak in the late morning or early afternoon. My wife is the opposite. She is up and at it by 7:30am and then slowly but surely settles into the evening.

One of my anti-goals is to not have any calls before 10am if I can help it. The truth is, I can almost always help it, no matter how important the call or meeting, there is almost always room to manoeuvre. That’s the point of anti-goals. Manifest the life and business you want by not putting yourself in situations that you want to avoid. Anti-goals are as aspirational and important as any other goal in your life.

Set your own anti-goals:

The rules are exactly the same as any other goal or target:


Make sure your goals are specific and clear.

Good example: Do no consume sugar or sugary foods during the workweek. Limit to the weekends.

Bad example: Cut sugar


What’s the point of goals if we can’t track our progress?

Good example: Only allow a maximum of 3 calls or meetings a month before 10am.

Bad example: Keep meetings and calls for the afternoon or evening


How achievable or realistic are your goals? It has to be something that is challenging but achievable and realistic given your current circumstances. If you create a goal of having a net worth of £1m in 6 months, well, it is possible, but quite unlikely. Thus if you fail to reach that target, you will be demoralised and that’s not the point.

Good example: Never sacrifice my bi-annual family vacation for work

Bad example: Holidays are non-negotiable

Like most things in life, it isn’t the action itself but your lens and perspective that defines it. Anti-goals don’t solve everything but they can help develop a framework to guide your work or life and internalise your ideal balance.

Until next time.

The Back Pocket

From the source:

Inverting problems:

Originally published at on May 19, 2022.

