Say something

Something hurt you once , hurts forever

daisya holmes
2 min readApr 9, 2014


I have read lots of books , some of them are trying to convey a view : one day you can tell something with smile , even it hurt you in the past . I can not deny that yes , there are something indeed like that , but I still believe there are something hurts forever .

I had an important last year . I mean , it get all my family’s attention and even every relatives 、friends and others, I have to try my best but I know I cant. So I am nervous about everything . The day I finished the exam and before I left school , my roommate just said : I dare not talk to you these days , you are so anxious. When I told her how important the exam is to me , she just said : there is no need for you to show your anxiety.

I am hurt. Everybody may have bad days , why could not I ? I know maybe its mean nothing to others , but I am really sad .

When I was a child , I live in my aunt’s home , my parents were left to work . My aunt’s son , my cousin told me : why are you still live in my home ! He want me to get out from his home .

I am hurt .


Every time I thought about that , I still feel unhappy . We all grow old , we all try to protect ourselves from others hurt . Something were changed . But my feeling / emotion wont change . Even I know they are good people , I still cant forget that hurt.

Maybe one day I can talk something like that with smile , but not today , not now .

