Sorry I Missed Your Call

Don’t your dare leave a voicemail.

Scott Muska


Sorry I missed your call. I just simply don’t have the energy to shoot the shit at the moment. It’s been yet another long day, and my social battery is getting very low. It might be on the verge of running out completely. I don’t know what might happen at that point, and I’d prefer to not find out. I’ll get back to you, hopefully rather soon, when I feel like I’ll make for better audible company — once I have recharged in some fashion.

Sorry I missed your call. I was in the midst of contemplating the potential existence of a specific god, and/or any god at all. And I was so deep in it that I figured it was the only thing I could really talk about at the moment, but appreciate and respect the notion that you probably weren’t ringing me up to get into a deep existential and theological conversation about the existence of supernatural deities, or whether or not there is an afterlife or something similar, etc. But if you want, I’ll call you back and we can talk about how we might be able to get right with our respective gods.

Sorry I missed your call. It wasn’t on my calendar. And I have become so beholden to my calendar that deviating from it in any way, especially during work hours, throws off my entire vibe for the day. This is not something I would recommend, becoming a “Calendar Guy,” because…



Scott Muska

I write books (for fun, and you can find them on Amazon), ads (for a living) and some other stuff (that I almost always put on the internet).